Torts: Defamation: Defamatory statement identifying P
Δ must make a defamatory statement that specifically identifies the Π- A statement is defamatory if it tends to adversely affect the reputation of the Π.
- Mere name-calling is usually not defamatory because it usually lacks ability to hurt reputation. (“John Smith is an SOB à not reputation)
- The typical defamatory statement: an allegation or assertion of fact that reflects negatively on a trait of character. [types of character statements on bar]
- Reflect negatively on honesty, peacefulness (hot tempered), competence (work ability), loyalty, negative implications concerning trait of sexual propriety.
- Statements of opinion (can go either way). Test: Whether a reasonable listener would conclude that the statement is based on fact.
- A statement need not be defamatory on its face. Π can offer additional context to established its defamatory impact.
- Π must be living at the time the statement was made. Dead people can’t be defamed.