Evidence: Hearsay: Confrontation Clause

  • Hearsay and the Confrontation Clause – In criminal cases the 6th Amendment requires that the Defendant be confronted with the witnesses against him. The Prosecution may not offer testimonial hearsay in violation of the defendant’s right to cross-examine the declarant.

    • “Right to cross-examine the declarant” is satisfied if the defendant:
      • Already had a chance to cross-examine the declarant
      • Can actually cross-examine the declarant at trial
      • Forfeited his confrontation right by witness tampering.

    • “Testimonial” means:
      • Grand jury testimony is testimonial
      • Statements in response to police interrogation:
        • Testimonial if the primary purpose of the questioning is to establish or prove past event potentially relevant to later criminal prosecution
        • Non-testimonial if the primary purpose of the questioning is to enable police assistance to meet an on going emergency.
      • Documents:
        • Police reports = testimonial
        • Business records = not testimonial