Constitutional Law: Protection of Individual Rights: Equal Protection: Levels of Review

    • Strict Scrutiny
      • To determine if class is suspect:
        • Look to see if there are unalterable characteristics AND
        • A history of purposely unequal treatment
    • Intermediate scrutiny
      • Note that it also applies to regulation of cable television.
      • To be substantially tailored, there must be an exceedingly persuasive justification.
    • Rational Basis Review
      • Burden on plaintiff, NOT government.
  • Equal Protection MBE Analysis: Where equal protection will be the right answer and where it will not be the right answer.
    • Hypo: State passes law which discriminates against you on the basis of race
      • Strict scrutiny will apply and the state will probably lose.
      • If the subject matter of the question is strict scrutiny, pick the equal protection answer. Under strict scrutiny, a law is presumptively invalid.
    • Hypo: State passes law that all busses must be equipped with seatbelts. You own a bus company in this state and are being treated differently than other individuals. Applies only to busses, not other vehicles (rational basis review). This comes under a social/economic welfare regulation.
    • (1) First figure out what the classification is; how is the government drawing a distinction among people?
    • (2) Determine what level of scrutiny should be applied.
    • (3) Ascertain whether the law meets this level of scrutiny.