Constitutional Law: Protection of Individual Rights: Procedural Due Process

    • Procedural Due Process: Has there been a depravation of life, liberty, or property? The procedural safeguards of notice and a hearing are available whenever there is a serious depravation of life, liberty, or property interest.
      • Depravation of liberty: if there is the loss of a significant freedom provided by the Constitution or a statute:
        • Except in an emergency, before an adult can be institutionalized, there must be notice and a hearing.
        • When a parent institutionalizes a child, there only has to be screening by a neutral fact-finder
        • Harm to reputation itself is not a loss of liberty
        • Prisoners rarely have liberty interests.
      • Depravation of liberty: if a person has an entitlement and that entitlement is not fulfilled.
        • SCOTUS no longer talks in terms of rights and privileges, so watch out for this on the MBE.
        • Entitlement exists if there is a reasonable expectation to the continued receipt of a benefit. (i.e. person has reasonable expectation that their government job would be there for a year and he was fired = depravation of due process)(applies to tenured teachers and civil service employees).
      • Government negligence does not deprive someone of due process, unless, in emergency situations, its conduct ‘shocks the conscience.’
        • It balances the severity of the depravation to the individual against the government interest in administrative efficiency.
        • Examples:
          • Before welfare benefits can be terminated = notice and hearing
          • When Social Security Disability benefits are terminated = a post-termination hearing.
          • When a student is disciplined by a public school, = notice of the changes and an opportunity to explain.
          • Before a parent’s rights with regard to a child can be terminated, = notice and a hearing
          • Punitive damage awards require instructions to jury and a judicial review
          • Am. Citizen detained as enemy combatant = due process